
I love hearing the question," did you go hiking with your ostomy" because I love telling people yes! Being an active person is who I am at heart and only injuries can slow me down. I love being in nature and exploring. This confuses many people because they know I have an ostomy and deal with a stoma on a daily basis. But I love letting others know how possible it is to get out and be active on a daily basis even with an ostomy. I do make sure my ostomy care is top notch and that is part of the reason I am able to be so active. So how did I learn how to do all of this. Well I started where most young people do this day and age, on the internet.

Honestly, ostomy care is pretty easy these days with so much information available. First and foremost listen to your healthcare provider! They are the first line of defense and offense for keeping you healthy and safe.  Plus ostomy nurses and surgeons are so good and very helpful. But after that boy the internet is loaded with lots of fantastic and terrible information. I do love to follow people who have an ostomy on Youtube and get lots of great information from them.  Its not only on care and products, but style and fashion as well.  To me being able to look good in the woods is also part of it.

I like to have the right gear for the job, rather it is an ostomy bag with a strap or a sweet pair of Keen hiking shoes that are comfortable and cool looking!  Backpacks that are super light weight and hiking poles have also been a big new addition to my hiking gear.  I have been amazed at home much safer I can be with hiking poles and also how much farther I can go with my legs being supplemented by my arms on tough inclines. It has also made me understand why the elliptical is such a favorite machine for working out at gyms.  The elliptical actually puts you in the hiking stance with poles and works both sets of the muscles in the arms and legs to get you in better shape! I love it and it sure is useful. So be safe, have fun and get outside! Don't let your stoma keep you from fun!

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